Welcome to the virtual support group for moms of teenage girls.
This is a professionally facilitated education and support group for moms raising adolescent daughters. You are not alone in your parenting challenges. We are a group of moms learning and sharing in a confidential non-judgemental environment.
Please add these dates & times to your calendar.
Time: 10 to 11 am
Dates: Fridays, September 16, 23, 30, October 7, 14, 21, 28, & November 4, 2022
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82314830627?pwd=UEJxbWE5Vks0ZDB5eEJuekhDR0VDdz09
Meeting ID: 823 1483 0627
Passcode: 031712
Here is the Zoom link to join us.
Please send your e transfer payment of $519.75 to sophiedmcentee@gmail.com to complete your registration.